Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pictures with Santa

Here are the girls picture with Santa. I have had them a while, just never got to putting them up. Santa was the special visitor at our ward Christmas party. Kenzie was so excited. I had been talking to her about it for quite some time hoping that she wouldn't get scared, and it must have worked because she didn't. They both did great. Paislee was fasinated by the beard, go figure, and Kenzie told Santa that she wanted a Dora computer doll with the red button. A few days before she saw Santa we went to Toys R Us to look around. On the end of one of the isle there was a display case with a Dora doll in it and when you push the red button on the outside, a video turns on and it tells you about the doll. Apparently she loved the video because that is now what she wants for Christmas.