Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Brave Little Girl

So I finally did it, I got Kenzie's ears pierced the other day. She had been begging me to do it, and I'm not going to lie, deep down I wanted her to do it as well. She did such a good job. While talking to her about it, making sure she really wanted to do it I mentioned that it was going to hurt. Her response was, " It's okay I will just tell them to be soft." Poor girl had no idea what was about to happen. So we went through with it and she did so well. She only cried for about 30 seconds. Once she saw the earring's she was over it. She loves them and I think they are they cutest things. (Thanks Tasha for the Pic's)

Not too worried

Getting worried

Not Happy at all

My little trooper.


Brandon and Katee said...

Yay! They don't have any idea going into it, it's sad.

Missy08 said...

that's 1 brave girl proud of her.

Anonymous said...

She is just too cute.

Us said...

That is so cute that she said that. Glad you wrote it down so that she'll know what she said when she's older.

Jana said...

What a superstar Kenzie is!

Rachael said...

So cute. I'm glad she did well though. They look so pretty.