Sunday, December 20, 2009

Pictures with Santa

Here are the girls picture with Santa. I have had them a while, just never got to putting them up. Santa was the special visitor at our ward Christmas party. Kenzie was so excited. I had been talking to her about it for quite some time hoping that she wouldn't get scared, and it must have worked because she didn't. They both did great. Paislee was fasinated by the beard, go figure, and Kenzie told Santa that she wanted a Dora computer doll with the red button. A few days before she saw Santa we went to Toys R Us to look around. On the end of one of the isle there was a display case with a Dora doll in it and when you push the red button on the outside, a video turns on and it tells you about the doll. Apparently she loved the video because that is now what she wants for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Brave Little Girl

So I finally did it, I got Kenzie's ears pierced the other day. She had been begging me to do it, and I'm not going to lie, deep down I wanted her to do it as well. She did such a good job. While talking to her about it, making sure she really wanted to do it I mentioned that it was going to hurt. Her response was, " It's okay I will just tell them to be soft." Poor girl had no idea what was about to happen. So we went through with it and she did so well. She only cried for about 30 seconds. Once she saw the earring's she was over it. She loves them and I think they are they cutest things. (Thanks Tasha for the Pic's)

Not too worried

Getting worried

Not Happy at all

My little trooper.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Deck the Halls

We Finally got up our Christmas tree and decorations. We normally have them up a lot sooner than now, but with a 9 month old crawling around and into everything I wasn't in too big of a hurry. Kenzie had a blast putting everything out and decorating the tree. It was fun to see how excited she was about all of it. Everyday she has to go over to the tree and "fix it" as she says. It is never just quite right.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Finally updated

I finally got to updating my blog, It only took me two months. Here are just some cute pictures I have taken lately. The Kids are getting so big. Kenzie is now 3 and Paislee is 9 months this week.
They are so fun and they are learning and changing everyday.

Kenzie is 3

I can't believe Kenzie is 3. She is growing so fast. She is so fun to have around and keeps us on our toes all throughout the day. She is such a big helper to all of us. She loves being a big sister and is always helping Paislee with anything she needs or may not need. We love her so much and are so happy to have her in our family.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Paislee is 6 months

Paislee is now 6 mo old. It went by so fast. She is getting so big. Here are a few of my favorite pics i have taken recently.

I love this picture. Paislee already had this dress, and then I found one for Kenzie at a yard sale for .50 cents, I was so excited.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Splish Slpash

Kenzie and Her Lotion

The other day we were at KC and Vals swimming. Kenzie and Kellsie were back in the room playing, or so we thought. Turns out they were back there putting lotion in Kenzie's hair. At least she wasn't eating it.
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Summer Time Fun

McKay was having the hardest time getting her swin suit on. He could not get the straps to criss cross the right way.

We were watching Kohnor and Kellsie the other day and we decided to take them to this fun water park by our house. We had a blast. Kenzie was pretty timid but Kellsie and Kohnor were not afraid of anything. Both Kohnor and Kellsie went down the water slide. We had so much fun.
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Sunday, July 12, 2009

4th of July

4th of July was a blast. We had lots of fun hanging out with family. These pics were take at the parade in Rupert.
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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Some More Random Pic's

My two sweet girls

Kenzie on the changing table. Oh how they grow so fast
Paislee's first bike ride

Paislee is getting so big. She is now 14lb 6oz

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Bowling Night

For family home evening one night we went bowling with KC, Val, and Karl
The kids had a lot of fun. Kenzie did awesome for her first time.

She was so proud of herself for being able to hold the ball by herself

Don't they look so cute in their bowling shoes?
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Sunday, May 3, 2009


This is way late, but better late than never. Here are just a few of the pictures. Aileen and Deon bought the girls their easter dresses and they were so cute on them. Kenzie had a lot of fun dying the Easter eggs. They turned out so cute. And it was done without any big messes.
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Friday, April 10, 2009

Kenzie Riding Her Bike

For General Conference we had McKay's family over. Kellsie and Kohonor brought their bikes over to ride them. When Kenzie saw their's she didn't to ride her little tricycle anymore and wanted to get her big girl bike out. We got it out thinking we were going to have to push her on it but it actually didnt take her very long to get the hang of it. I think she did pretty good. She would get stuck every once in a while but for the most part she did really well.

Last couple weeks